Knowing that children are the future, the Independent Church of India accords high priority in its activities and policies. Also understanding that their education, in fact, their right to education, is paramount, we have established quite a number of schools in remote villages in the hills so that children would not have to suffer because of the lack of education. Most of the present Church leaders are the product of these schools. The ICI is currently maintaining roughly thirty-five primary and middle schools. Teachers in these schools are known as Evangelist-teachers.
The Christian Education Department is the overall in charge of Sunday Schools and its syllabus. The Department arranges a Sunday School calendar for a year to be followed by all the local churches in the different presbyteries. Besides the adult Sunday Schools, all local Churches have children Sunday Schools.
As of now, there are Naupang Sunday School Unions (NSSU) or Children Sunday School Union in all presbyteries and mission fields of the church. These Unions in each presbytery, in turn, has as much units as there are local churches within the presbytery. These NSSU Units are the backbone of the local churches as well as the church as a whole.
Each presbytery organises seminars, summer camps, conferences, music festivals, competitions, sports meets and many other activities for the children within each presbytery every year. The Education Board also conducts examinations and tests for the children for the course they studied in the Sunday Schools as well.
The Independent Church of India has a dedicated Child Coordinator whose responsibility is to look after the physical and spiritual needs of the children in all presbyteries.